September 11, 2011

Interview Check

I am going to interview a Fitness Personal Trainer who is available at 24 Hour Fitness at the time I visit. I was able to arrange this by speaking to the Club Manager at the West Covina 24 Hour Fitness. The reason I will be interviewing him/her is because they are specially trained to help their customers with reaching their exercise goals. Some possible results are: weight loss, muscle gain, balance, flexibility, and a boost in confidence. I am going to target at getting answers about weight loss, muscle gain, and confidence since those are three changes I personally encountered.

Questions To Ask
"What are some of the techniques you focus on when personally training someone?"
"I heard the elderly have a harder time losing weight and gaining muscle. Is that true? Can you still train them effectively?"
"Why do you think an improvement in one's diet and exercise helps boost confidence levels?"
"How do you measure self-confidence?"
"What are some success stories of people who had their lives turned around because of exercise?"
"What are failures you have encountered in helping people?"

September 6, 2011

My Topic & Goal

About My Topic
My project for the year is Self-Confidence & Exercise because of the personal commitment I have taken in setting them into my life. I have learned that these two additions in my life have caused a positive enhancement in my abilities to be a better person; meaning a mentally, physically, and emotionally stronger individual. I have accomplished a rise in my own confidence, which was a direct result of proper exercise, resulting in a better perception of myself, others, and the world around me. Although I have personally set even more goals for myself to accomplish in the future, I realize that since this is certainly one of the greatest achievements I have had, I chose it to be my Senior Topic for detailed studying and researching for the upcoming year.

My Desired Accomplishment
By the end of my Senior Year at International Polytechnic High School, I would like to have accomplished the following:
  • Solid evidence that supports my theory (Exercise increases Confidence).
  • An increase in my OWN Self-Confidence due to the results of physical exercise.
  • Convince a number of people to include Exercise in their lives for the purpose of confidence boost